Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the Regenexx Advanced Stem Cell Support Formula for?

This supplement was designed for people who are looking for a natural, nutritional supplement to help support healthy joints and mobility.*

What can the Regenexx Advanced Stem Cell Support Formula do for me?

The Advanced Regenexx Stem Cell Support Formula is formulated as an innovative formula of nutritional supplements that helps maintain and support normal joint health and functioning. In Regenexx laboratory studies, the supplements used in this formula helped to maintain the health of the cell environment and provide support for the joint’s natural cartilage growth (chondrogenesis) process.

Are there any allergy issues with the Regenexx Advanced Stem Cell Support Formula?

There are products in the Regenexx Advanced Stem Cell Support Formula that are derived from corn, shellfish and black pepper.

What if I’m already taking something that’s in the Regenexx Advanced Stem Cell Support Formula?

Please discuss this with your physician. Duplicating ingredients may be wasteful. If you choose you can use our one a day innovative formula of nutritional supplements that help maintain and support normal joint health and functioning.

Is it safe with my medications?

The Regenexx Advanced Stem Cell Support Formula has not been tested for safety with medication. Please discuss this with your physician.

Are there any known side effects?

Turmeric extracts (curcumin) have the potential to trigger biliary colic (gallbladder disease, gallbladder pain) in predisposed individuals with gallstones. Please discuss this with your physician.

What is BioPerine?

BioPerine is a black pepper extract. It is used to help enhance the absorption of curcumin.

Can I give it to my child or teen?

The Regenexx Advanced Stem Cell Support Formula was designed for people over 18 years of age. Please consult your physician if you wish to use this in someone under 18 years of age.

Can I take more than the recommended dose?

There is no need to take more than the recommended dose. Please follow the instructions on the bottle.

Why is the lid screwed on so tight?

We have heard on several occasions that the lids on the new liquid bottles are screwed on “too darn tight”. We apologize and have made the bottling company aware of the complaints. We expect to have this problem addressed on future batches. In the meantime, we suggest finding the biggest, strongest person you know to help you and then give them a free shot of the formula for helping you remove the lid. There are 32 servings in each bottle, so you always have at least one serving to share without jeopardizing your own one-month supply. In all seriousness, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience if you experience this problem.